Wondering what your next big adventure will be?

Retirement Options.

Retirement does not have to be the end of the journey, and it can be the beginning of a new chapter in your life. To help you decide on planning the next steps, consider taking either the LifeOptions Profile™ or the Retirement Success Profile. Our clients have found this to be a great place to start the journey.

The LifeOptions Profile™ assesses retirement readiness across 20 lifestyle and attitudinal dimensions in six life arenas: Career and Work, Health and Wellness, Finance and Insurance, Family and Relationships, Leisure and Social, and Personal Development.

The Retirement Success Profile™ identifies personal strengths and areas of focus across 15 retirement success factors that jointly affect retirement transition and planning. Across each of these factors, the Retirement Success Profile™ measures Expectation, Present Behaviour and Variance.

Contact Dorothy Keenan through email or call 604-618-3112 for pricing and understanding the fit for you. I look forward to talking to you.

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